*****FLAG ME DOWN: The Story of Wildwood's Tramcar cover has been released******
I'm excited to announce that the cover of my next Wildwood New Jersey adventure, has been released!...
Unfortunately, I do not have a release date yet, in mind... it's currently pretty hard to determine where I'm at in my process with this graphic novel. I'm excited to say that it is challenging me to again play with the comics medium and push the boundaries of what's possible in a comics experience compared to any other medium... which, leads me to bring the production of this GN to an explorative front - letting myself make discoveries as I experiment with the writing and the drawing together.
Once I'm further along in this process and seeing sort of an "end of the road", I'll be more willing to share interior pages. I'm happy to say, I'm already excited to do that.
Hope you enjoy this cover.
Check out my interview on NEW JERSEY IS THE WORLD:
I sat down remotely for an interview with Mike D over at New Jersey is The World podcast and had an amazing time talking about 'Castle Dracula & Dungeon: Employee Handbook Illustrated'.
Listen to the show here.
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