Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Breaks & Dinner: A chapter break page from Castle Dracula & Dungeon: The Employee Handbook Illustrated

 Hey friends,

Here's a chapter break splash page from the up-coming Castle Dracula & Dungeon: The Employee Handbook Illustrated, which, will be my final Wildwood New Jersey-inspired project for at least the foreseeing future. 

This splash page depicts Harry's Corner, a still popular eatery on the boardwalk in Wildwood, at Cedar and the boardwalk. I gained information that this was indeed a popular spot for Castle Dracula & Dungeon cast members/employees and imagined this situation - As the cast members were told not to change (other than their robe) out of wardrobe/makeup while on their breaks... therefore, moments of hilarity insured. The cast members were just a little more vulnerable, but not quite enough.

More from this fun feature soon. Here's the half pencils, half inks (barely) page of said splash:

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