Sunday, September 01, 2013

Page 7 from Misfit Wrestling #5 and... Bombshell Comics is on Tumblr?!... Read 'THAT BIKE' (Eventually) FOR FREE!

Here's the latest page from Misfit Wrestling Federation #5 -- We're amidst the first women's title match of the M.W.F. -- An ex-valet, Hippie Saundra now faces an experienced yet-immature, wrestler by the name of Shiela Child. (Issues 1-4 are on sale at

M.W.F. Issue #5 coming this month!.. (hopefully)

A fully-lettered, page #7 from M.W.F. #5:

Also, experience my 16th comic release, 'THAT BIKE' (published weekly) now on tumblr!!!...